Liberated Makes its Way to the Nintendo Switch

Prepare for a new Tech-Noir experience on the Nintendo Switch as Liberated makes its way to the eShop this year.

Liberated is a game that exists to, “explore the dangers of where [government surveillance is] seemingly headed” according to Marek Czerniak, the game’s creative director. “Liberated explores this in a nuanced, pragmatic way, with a stylish blend of motion comics and gameplay that keeps things brisk, stylish, and on the edge of your seat!”

To discover what this story all about, keep a lookout for Atomic Wolf’s Liberated later this year.

Visit the game’s website at

What do you think about Liberated? Is Tech-Noir the same thing as Neo-Noir? Let me know in the comments (because I’m legitimately curious)!

[Source: Press Release from Plan of Attack]