Big news pre-E3! It appears that someone at has accidentally leaked a new Switch title! Earthbound, also known as Mother appears to be getting a compilation title featuring the original Mother, Mother 2 and Mother 3. For the first time it seems that we’re getting it as originally titled. Which is big news for Mother fans!
Mother: Deluxe Collection is set to have a few extra collectibles including a Runaway Five show ticket, a special Mr. Saturn flavoured cartridge (Weird right?), and a reversible cover that shows an Earthbound variant of the case sleeve.
Tell us what you think about this leak? We’re all pretty excited about it here!

Mike has been with NintendoFuse since January 2015 as a Social Media Manager. He has always had a passion for Nintendo games, and his favorite game series is Donkey Kong Country.
Oh no you didn’t… You got me on the twitter post.
Oh no you didn’t… You got me on the twitter post.