Happy 30th Anniversary to The Legend of Zelda! We celebrate by sharing our favorite memories and hopes for the future of the series.
Deleting your Nintendo Account reveals some previously unannounced information.
Get your NIntendo Account Now!
Starting 2/19 receive a commemorative Zelda or Mario coin with your purchase of our Ltd. Ed. #NintendoNYC tees! pic.twitter.com/i59i3shceH —…
Nintendo has announced another scheduled maintenance of their Nintendo Network this week. Both start on Monday, February 15, but one stretches into Tuesday.
Check out these Nintendo gaming related gift ideas for Valentine’s Day!
You can register for your My Nintendo Account starting February 17 with some bonuses to come your way!
Pokkén Tournament, a Super Bowl ad, New 3DS bundles and so much more.
Nintendo World Store is getting a massive upgrade. The store will be closed for about a month during these renovations.