The fine folks at Humble Bundle and Nintendo have gotten together again to offer a new selection of games at various price ranges!
For less than the average, you can get; Retro City Rampage: DX, Affordable Space Adventures, and Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse.
For more than the average you get everything above and; Freedom Planet, Rhythm Thief & The Emperors Treasure, Citizens of Earth, Retro City Rampage: DX 3DS theme and more when there they are announced.
For 13 dollars you get everything above and; Darksiders 2 and Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition.
Tell us if you picked up this awesome deal!

Mike has been with NintendoFuse since January 2015 as a Social Media Manager. He has always had a passion for Nintendo games, and his favorite game series is Donkey Kong Country.