Ever want to know what it’s like to become a dictator, ruling over a banana republic? Then Tropico 6 may be right up your alley. Become your islands “El Presidente'” and either reign supreme as a ruthless dictator or take into account what your people want and need to be a honorable leader.

At its basics, Tropico 6 is a world simulator. You build buildings, take in resources, progress infrastructures, and build your own milita. How you treat the world around you progresses the game in various different ways, leading to a plethora of opportunities and a high replay value. When it comes to building up your island, you have your usual residential, commercial, and industrial balance to maintain. As you invest into education and exports, you build up the economy and engagement with your community. The amount of options you have in building your world is vast, and there were many times where I had to take a moment and really explore everything I could build and how it effected my economy and world.

This game differs from standard simulator games in how you interact with the underlying aspects of your “followers.” In order to keep the “peace” and maintain your dictatorship role, you must sometimes dive into the deeper depths of your society. People like sympathizers who may lead to rebellions, or if you don’t seem to be winning re-election, you may have to silence those against you or rig election results. While the immediate results might be favorable, you must also be prepared for any backlash or outcomes that come forward. Just like the vast array of building options, the political, educational, and religious systems are also in depth. You can research how your island is brought up, your allies, how you interact with them, and how you look into many ways of tackling your world problems. At one point, I was initiating a raid on a different society, while building allies and borrowing finances from another. It was both exciting and fun.
One of the funny things about this game is how it plays and jokes about dictatorship stereotypes with funny written quips and good voice acting to back it up. There were a few moments where my character was giving a speech, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the things he was saying based off of the policies I selected earlier. Even the idea of stealing world wonders seemed to be a hilarious task to tackle.

While this game has been out on other systems for some time, bringing it to the Nintendo Switch provides the added bonus of portability. With this version, you can rule with your iron-fist anywhere you go. The game also includes a new palace design, a glamorous Flamingo Pond accessory, and a Tourist outfit for your El Presidente’.
While I am not a very big fan when it comes to simulation-style games, I did enjoy Tropico 6. It did take some time to get used to all the options and opportunities presented to me, but I understood it as I progressed. I might even play through it a few more times, trying out different approaches to my leadership skills, or I may continue my regime and try to become the best ruler the world has ever seen! Tropico 6 releases for the Nintendo Switch on November 5, 2020.
Are you interested in becoming a ruthless or kind dictator in Tropico 6? Let us know in the comments down below!