Nintendo Download for March 22, 2018 – North America

The Nintendo Downloads have normally been packed to the brim with new titles each week for months in a row.  This week though, it’s a little bit lighter in comparison.  The 3DS gets two retail games launching over the next week, and the Switch still manages twelve new releases.  Plenty of games to check out and even some new DLC and activities. 

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Nintendo Download for March 1, 2018 – North America

Happy birthday to the Nintendo Switch who will turn one year old on Saturday, March 3.  The year continues to see at least a dozen new titles available on the platform week after week.  The 3DS was busy preparing for the party, so there are no new titles this week.  The Wii U sees a single new title this week though.  There are some new DLC and activities to check out below.

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