NintendoFuse Podcast 224

On the next episode of the NintendoFuse Podcast, we’ll discuss what we’ve been playing and talk about some of the recent Nintendo news. We’ll also interact with you all in the chatroom during the live recording, so make sure you join us!

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NintendoFuse Podcast 223

On the next episode of the NintendoFuse Podcast, we’ll discuss what we’ve been playing and talk about some of the recent Nintendo news. We’ll also interact with you all in the chatroom during the live recording, so make sure you join us!

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NintendoFuse Podcast 222

On the next episode of the NintendoFuse Podcast, we’ll discuss what we’ve been playing and talk about some of the recent Nintendo news. We’ll also interact with you all in the chatroom during the live recording, so make sure you join us!

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Nintendo Honors Best Selling Indie Games of 2020

Yes, 2020 has been a rough year, but it wasn’t all bad. Not only did it give us some amazing independently-made games, mandated quarantines gave us more time to play. We pointed out some of our favorite indie games in our recent podcast, but if you’re looking for more, check out this highlight reel from Nintendo themselves, showing off the top-selling indie games of 2020.

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Switch System Update 11.0.1 is Live

The Nintendo Switch system firmware updated to 11.0.0 recently, but it seems there were a few additional fixes that required a 11.0.1 update. Usually incremental updates like these are focused mostly on system stability, but as stated already, this one is all about correcting problems.

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